8-3. Failure of Technique
People cannot use Taekwondo techniques although they've learned them. For they
didn't learn them exactly. For they didn't learn exact techniques. What is the
reason you don't learn exact techniques? First you don't understand the substance
of Kang-Yu, and second you have no idea of Samjae even though you understand
Kang-Yu substantially. What's the reason you don't understand the substance
of Kang-Yu? Because you only imitate the technical motions yet losing the truth
of Kang-Yu. What's the reason you have no idea of Samjae though you know Kang-Yu?
It is also because you lose its invisible foundation in the visible changes
of Kang-Yu.
Thus, Buddha said "all Bodhisattvas, lesser and great, should develop a
pure, lucid mind, not depending upon sound, flavor, touch, odor, or any quality.
A Bodhisattva should develop a mind which alights upon no thing whatsoever;
and so should he establish it." Only after you realize this you can understand
that one technique can be various techniques, thus you can understand Ilgiyae.
That is, only over the five skandhas(form, feeling, perception, formation, and
consciousness) you can understand TAEKWONDO.
full achievement of invisible foundation of Taekwondo you can get nothing
in even in magnificent motions.
Understanding Kang-Yu with the knowledge of Samjae and TAEKWONDO as its foundation
you come to understand the importance of basics. And you also come to understand
the importance of training, mental attitude, and furthermore, of the rightness
in your life. The right life is the basis of the entire Taekwondo. If you ignore
this fact only attached to magnificent motions you will go in vain and danger
like those who have exaggerated reputation. Mencius warned of this mistake with
his analogy to the water of no source. Hence saying ¡°if a thing has no source,
it is like the rain water that collects after a downpour in the seventh and
eighth months. It may fill all the gutters, but we can stand and wait for it
to dry up. Thus a gentleman is ashamed of an exaggerated reputation.¡±2)
Likewise, Taekwondo man should be ashamed of exaggerated magnificence of technique
more than the firmness of basics.
To sum up, the foundation of Taekwondo technique is Kang-Yu; the foundation
of Kang-Yu is Samjae; and its foundation is Ilgiyae
as TAEKWONDO.3) And, the foundation of skill
is basic motion; it foundation is training; and its foundation again is mental
attitude. And the foundation of mental attitude is ethical(right) life. This
is why we say the foundation of Taekwondo is verily ethical(right) life.
1) Diamond Sutra, 10c. ð³ÜÌ߱ؤʸ߱ ëëåýãÀßæôèïäãý. ÝÕëëñ¬ßäßæãý. ÝÕëëñ¬á¢¡¤úÅ¡¤Ú«¡¤õº¡¤Ûößæãý.
ëëÙíá¶ñ¬ ì»ßæÐìãý.
2) Mencius, Book IV, Part B, 18: ÏÂêÓÙíÜâ, öÒø¢êÅñýùÙéëó¢,
ϵüèËËçÃ, Ðì å¥, ʦءì»Óâå¥. ͺá¢Ú¤Î¦ï×, ÏÖíö»ñý.
3) Conversely, dividing Ilgiyae into three, i.e. Samjae,
we come to see its boundless root of everything, which is meant by "à°ß²Ð¿,
Ùíò×Üâ" of CBK.